Together Sharing Christ’s Love
Welcome to:
Redeemer, Macalister
St Mark’s, Dalby
Liturgical Colour: Violet
Third Sunday in Lent: What is Lent?
Many Christians have heard of Lent, but do all know what it means? According to Merriam-Webster, Lent means "the 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter as a period of penitence and fasting."
Lent begins each year on Ash Wednesday, 46 days before Easter Sunday.
Lent is meant to be a time of repentance. That’s not a feeling of shame but an awareness that sin separates us from God and of what it cost Him to be reunited with us.
Christ Centred
Spirit Guided
Encouraging Discipleship
Witnessing to the Gospel
This week at Redeemer, Macalister (Yr C):
Readings – Isaiah 55:1-9; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13; Luke 13:1-9;
Worship Service – Redeemer, Macalister – Worship Service @ 7.30am;
Bible Reader – Ross von Pein;
Hymns (Mac) – 341; 6 AT; 137 AT; 330;
This week at St Mark’s, Dalby (Yr C):
Readings – Isaiah 55:1-9; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13; Luke 13:1-9;
Worship Service - St Mark’s, Dalby – Worship Service @ 9.30am;
Bible Reader – Pukallus family;
Prayer of Church – Pukallus family;
Hymns (Dalby) – All who are thirsty; 137 AT; 330; Abide with me; 6 AT; Blessed be the rock;
Events/Meetings this week:
Mon 24th Mar – 500 Cards in the church hall @ 7.00pm
Tues 25th Mar – Men’s Talk on hall deck @ 10.00am
Wed 26th Mar – Dalby – Lenten Service @ 7.00pm
Fri 28th Mar – C.H.A.O.S. – Mini Olympics @ 7.00pm
Every Saturday – Prayer Group @ 7.00am
Sun 30th Mar – Macalister – Worship Service @ 7.30am
Sun 30th Mar – Dalby – Worship Service @ 9.30am
Sun 30th Mar – Ningana – Worship Service @ 2.00pm
Add your meeting or event at St Mark's Church Office
Regular Electronic Giving - Is your REG still working?
Recently there have been changes to the way REG payments are made. If you haven’t updated your REG recently, your payment may have stopped!
You can see if REG is still working by checking your bank statement
If you haven’t updated your REG you can call LLL (1800 556 457) to confirm your REG details
If you would like some assistance, please contact Gayle at St Mark’s office (0476 029 220) or Alyshia (0427 367 049)
REG is a convenient, safe and confidential way of giving a regular offering to our church anonymously.
If you haven’t already set up REG and would like to, click the link below.
Alternatively, REG forms are available in the narthex.
On The Noticeboard:
2025 St Mark’s Committee Members
2025 Rosters
Stamps for Mission
TEAM & Admin Minutes
2025 LYQ events
Volunteer Work on Church Grounds:
FRIENDLY REMINDER: Anyone doing volunteer work on the outside of church buildings and the grounds (e.g. mowing), a volunteer form needs to be filled out. The volunteer form is in the entrance of the hall in a folder on the wall. Thank you!
Maintenance Issues:
If anyone has any issues with maintenance matters (e.g. Cleaning products getting low, dripping taps, blown light bulbs), a form has been left on the counter of the office window in the narthex for you to write down your issues. The relevant people will then deal with these issues. Thank you!
Prayer Points for the Week:
for the church, that it may continue to work as God's gardener in the world
for all who will be baptised or confirmed at Easter
for those who hunger and thirst, that they may be satisfied
for those who are caught in the trap of sexual immorality, that they may hear the good news and repent
for those who are wealthy, that they may be saved from the sin of idolatry
for those who rely on their own strength, that they may seek the grace of God, lest they stumble and fall
for those undergoing severe suffering and trial, that they may not be tested beyond their strength
Happy Birthday this week to:
William Elder (Tues); Dylan Peach (Wed): Colin Muller (Thurs); Rachel Hensel (Fri); Glenice Kruger (Fri); Murray Boshammer (Sat);

Baptism Anniversaries:
Gail Bartsch; Henry Brauer; Chester Kucks; Emma Kucks; Harrison Peach;
If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact St Mark's Church Office
Church Rosters:
Church Rosters are available on the website. Check out if you are on the roster here>>
Weekly Roster for 30 March 2025:
Morning Tea: Croft; Johnson;
Bible reader: Kessler;
Prayer of Church: Kessler;
PA (Sound): Strand T;
Power-point: Noller S;
LIVE Stream: Hensel A;
LS Audio: Ruhle;
Kids Zone: 6 April 2025;
Monthly Roster for March 2025:
Church Cleaning: Strand;
Church Grounds: Renner;
Stewards: Toomey;
Welcoming: Toomey
Pastoral Assistants: Johnson A;
HC Servers: Bartsch R; Hensel E;
Macalister Roster for 30 March 2025:
Church Cleaning: Brian & Lynelle W;
Bible Reader: Graham W;
Safe Place for All
In observing Christ’s command to love one another, we’re to treat each other with respect and dignity. In honouring people, we’re also fulfilling our responsibility under the law of the land. The LCA is committed to implementing processes to ensure that the church is a safe place.
If anyone feels they’ve been subjected to sexual abuse and sexual harassment in any form by anyone who holds a position of trust in the church, please contact:
Ph: 1800 644 628 (free call)
Mail: PO Box 519, Marden SA 5070