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Sunday 14th July 2024 - Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

St Mark's Dalby

Together Sharing Christ’s Love


Welcome to:

Redeemer, Macalister

St Mark’s, Dalby


Liturgical Colour: Green

The Sundays after Pentecost (known as the "non-festival" season of the church year) are the Sundays in which we concentrate on the growth of the church.

They begin with Trinity Sunday, and ends with "Christ the King" Sunday, where we focus on the end times, and the second coming of our Lord Jesus.

The Gospel lessons for this season concentrate on the teaching and ministry of Jesus.  The Old Testament and Epistle lessons have a semi-continuous narrative, with the Revised Common Lectionary (which we customarily use) giving two options for the Old Testament lessons, either the stories of the Patriarchs through Genesis and Exodus, or the Prophets.

The liturgical colour for the Sundays after Pentecost (which comprises roughly half of the church year) is green, as this symbolises new life and growth.



Christ Centred                    

Spirit Guided                                   

Encouraging Discipleship


Witnessing to the Gospel

This week at Redeemer, Macalister (Yr B):

  • Readings – 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29;

  • Worship Service – Redeemer, Macalister – Worship Service @ 3.00pm – Baptism

  • Bible Reader – Brian Weier;

  • Hymns (Mac) – 150 AT; 826 LHS; 322; 31 AT;


This week at St Mark’s, Dalby (Yr B):

  • Readings – 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29;

  • Worship Service - St Mark’s, Dalby – Worship Service @ 9.30am;

  • Bible Reader – Steinhardt;

  • Prayer of Church – Pukallus;

  • Hymns (Dalby) – 12 AT; 240 AT; 127 AT; Yet not I but through Christ in me; Blessed Assurance; Blessing, honour and glory;


Events/Meetings this week:

Mon 15th Jul – Coffee n Craft on Hall Deck @ 9.30am

Mon 15th Jul – 500 Cards in Church Hall @ 7.00pm

Tues 16th Jul – Pastoral Assistant’s Meeting @ 7.30pm

Every Saturday – Prayer Group @ 7.00am

Sun 21st Jul – Redeemer, Macalister – Service @ 7.30am  Alt Winter Service Times

Sun 21st Jul – St Mark’s Dalby – Worship Service @ 9.30am

Add your meeting or event at St Mark's Church Office


Christian sympathies to Valma Schelberg & family on the recent loss of Glen.  Glenn’s funeral will be held at St Mark’s on Tuesday 16th July at 10.30am


THANK YOU - SWQLD Christian Convention Catering – 12th to 14th July

A huge THANK YOU to all who helped out with slow cookers, to prep, to serving, to cleaning up.  Your help was much appreciated.


LWQ DD Fellowship Day – Maclagan – Thursday 25 July – BYO nametag, morning tea and lunch. Cuppa provided.  More info on notice board or contact Hazel on 0427 762 223.

St Mark’s Working Bee:

There will be a Working Bee on Saturday 27th July from 8am to Midday approx.  To undertake some hedge trimming and removal of or massive trim back of large pine tree overhanging Archibald St entrance driveway.  Please bring Utes, trailers, hedge trimmers, yard tools etc and your morning tea.  Contact Justin if you want more information.

All those able to help in any way are very appreciated and needed!

SWQLP Call Meeting:

There will be a Call meeting held at Chinchilla on Sunday 11th August @ 1pm at Chinchilla.  Your attendance is required.

Nominations Committee:

The Nominations Committee are looking for 2 Extra Committee Members - we are asking for people who aren’t already on a Committee.

Please talk to Chris Kowald if you are interested or have questions about what’s involved.


Update - Anti Discrimination Bill

News reports state that the State Govt. has pulled back on the proposed Anti Discrimination Act bill.  However a new bill, Respect at Work and other Matters, has been tabled.  It has some quite concerning ramifications for freedom of speech and freedom of religion that the Joint Faiths Working Group is following up.  There will be a campaign to mobilise church members to write to their MPs, and also probably an open letter to the Premier from faith leaders.


Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child:

Time to start thinking about filling a shoebox again or maybe you have some items you can donate or are happy to contribute financially?

Shoeboxes to be dropped off at 101 Pratten Street before 6th October.

Happy Birthday this week to:

Paul Renner (Mon); Heidi Jacobs (Tue); Elaine Lambley (Tue); Spencer Weier (Wed); Jill Johnson (Fri);

Baptism Anniversaries:

Angela Gooderham; Daniel Glasby; Matt Kruger;

If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact St Mark's Church Office

Prayer Points for the Week:

·    for the people of God, the church, throughout the world, that God's glory be sought and not humanity's;

·    for people of influence, political leaders, all governing bodies, especially those who influence ethical decisions;

·    for the judicial system, the courts, judges, lawyers, barristers, the police, prison workers;

·    for all victims of abuse and crime;

·    for all in prison because of wrong things they have done, that they may turn from the ways of their past.


On The Noticeboard:

Ø 2024 St Mark’s Committee Members

Ø 2024 Rosters

Ø Stamps for Mission

Ø TEAM & Admin Minutes

Ø LWQ Fellowship Day

Church Rosters:

Church Rosters are available on the website.  Check out if you are on the roster here>>


Weekly Roster for 21 July 2024:

Morning Tea:          Strand, McEwan;

Bible reader:           Hensel;

Prayer of Church:   Hensel;

PA (Sound):            Ruhle;

Power-point:           Reichelt E;

LIVE Stream:          Hensel J;

LS Audio:               Ruhle;

Kids Talk:                  


Monthly Roster for July 2024:

Church Cleaning:      Paschke;

Church Grounds:      Bartsch, Fresser, Kessler;

Stewards:                  Paschke, Kucks J;

Welcoming:               Paschke;

Pastoral Assistants:  Kowald;

HC Servers:              Brauer C (7th & 14th); Cullen A (21st & 28th);

Macalister Roster for 21 July 2024:

Church Cleaning:     Nathan & Rose, Shane & Leanne;

Bible Reader:           Delma W;

Cup of Tea (July):    Colin & Trish


Safe Place for All

In observing Christ’s command to love one another, we’re to treat each other with respect and dignity.  In honouring people, we’re also fulfilling our responsibility under the law of the land.  The LCA is committed to implementing processes to ensure that the church is a safe place

If anyone feels they’ve been subjected to sexual abuse and sexual harassment in any form by anyone who holds a position of trust in the church, please contact:

Ph: 1800 644 628 (free call)

Mail: PO Box 519, Marden SA 5070

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