Together Sharing Christ’s Love
Welcome to:
Redeemer, Macalister
St Mark’s, Dalby
Liturgical Colour: White
Easter is the most sacred of Christian holidays, and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The Season of Easter begins with Easter Sunday, which is observed on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. It lasts for seven weeks, until the Festival of Pentecost.
Christ Centred
Spirit Guided
Encouraging Discipleship
Witnessing to the Gospel
This week at Redeemer, Macalister (Yr A):
Readings – Acts 1:6-14;1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11; John 17:1-11;
Worship service – Redeemer, Macalister – Worship service @ 7.30am;
Bible Reader – Delma Weier;
Hymns (Mac) – 113; 252 AT; 101 AT; 250 AT;
This week at St Mark’s, Dalby (Yr A):
Readings – Acts 1:6-14; 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11; John 17:1-11;
Worship service - St Mark’s, Dalby – Worship service @ 9.30am;
Bible Reader – Pukallus family;
Prayer of Church – Pukallus family;
Hymns (Dalby) – Holy Spirit rain down; 113; Be unto your name; Peace; Desert Song; 408 AT;
Mon 22 May – 500 Cards in church hall @ 7.00pm
Tues 23 May – Men’s Talk on hall deck @ 10am
Wed 24 May – Dalby Churches Together @ Anglican Church
Fri 26 May – C.H.A.O.S. – Family night
Every Saturday - Prayer group @ 7.00am
Add your meeting or event with Gayle at the Church Office
On The Noticeboard:
2023 Committee Members
2023 Church Rosters
Girls Brigade
Stamps for Mission
TEAM & Admin minutes
Chappy News for Term 1 2023
Jazz in the Gardens @ Jimbour House Hangar on 4th June @ 12pm-3pm
Healing Service @ Tara on 17th June @ 10.30am
Birthday Celebrations:
You are invited to help Bernice von Pein celebrate her 90th birthday today, Sunday 21st May at the church hall for a light lunch.
St Mark’s 50th Celebrations:
A planning meeting to discuss the 50th Celebrations for St Mark’s will be held after service today.
St Mark’s AGM:
St Mark’s AGM will be held on Sunday 18th June. Reports needed by 30th May.
CLW Winter Camp:
Week 1: Coolum A / Koojarewon – 26 – 30 June 2023
Week 2: Coolum B – 3 7 July 2023
Registrations are now open until 9th June.
Creating Caring Communities:
This short course aims to build a foundation to grow parishes as supportive communities. Many are unaware of actions and words that can cause others to feel excluded or not valued. Course Duration: 4 Sessions, each 3-4 Hrs
When: 22/07/23 – 12/08/23 (4 consecutive Saturdays)
There is a cost involved and interest in this can be directed to Barry Weier for more information. If you are interested in attending, please sign the sheet in the narthex.
Prayer Points for the Week:
· For those in authority, such as King Charles and his representatives; Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and members of parliament; Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and state parliamentarians; Mayor Paul McVeigh and local councillors;
· For the Church, LCAQD; that it would love Jesus and keep his word
· For the pastors Bishop Paul Smith, District Bishop Mark Vainikka; Pastor Joel Pukallus and all pastors;
· For the ministry of word and sacrament
· For all involved in Bible translation
· For literacy workers, enabling people to read the word
· For Christian publishing, television and radio
· For those who are doubting, fearful, weak-willed, or guilt-ridden
· For those who care for the very old and the very young

Happy Birthday this week to:
Greg Hartwig (Mon); Alex Kruger (Sat); Ross Prove (Sat);
Baptism Anniversaries:
Shirley Horrigan; Iris Kruger;
If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact Gayle at St Mark's church office
Church Rosters:
Church rosters are available on the website. Check out if you are on the roster here>>
Weekly Roster for 28 May 2023:
Morning Tea: Kessler;
Bible reader: Kessler;
Prayer of Church: Kessler;
Media TEAM: Hensel;
Power-point: Hartwig;
Kids Zone: Mary Ann K;
Church Cleaning: Noller;
Church Grounds: Hensel; Brauer;
Stewards: Bartsch; Renner; Spies;
Welcoming: Steinhardt;
PA: Johnson;
Pastoral Assistants: Aimee J; Barry W;
HC Servers: Tom S (7 & 14); Janis R (21 & 28);
Macalister Roster for 28 May 2023:
Church Cleaning: Graham & Delma W;
Bible reader: Trish M;
Cup of Tea (Jun): Ray & Gail W;
Safe Place for All
In observing Christ’s command to love one another, we’re to treat each other with respect and dignity. In honouring people, we’re also fulfilling our responsibility under the law of the land. The LCA is committed to implementing processes to ensure that the church is a safe place. If anyone feels they’ve been subjected to sexual abuse and sexual harassment in any form by anyone who holds a position of trust in the church, please contact:
Ph: 1800 644 628 (free call) Email:
Mail: PO Box 519, Marden SA 5070