Greetings from St Mark's & Redeemer
Notices for this week
Christ Centred
Spirit Guided
Encouraging Discipleship
Witnessing to the Gospel
Service for Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost:
Readings – Jeremiah 1:18-20; James 3:13 - 4:3, 7, 8a; Mark 9:30-37;
Worship service – Redeemer, Macalister – Worship service – 7.30am
Bible Reader – Trish Muller;
Hymns (Mac) – 305; 292 AT; 846; 190 AT;
Worship service - St Mark’s, Dalby - Worship service – 9.30am
Bible Reader – Kruger family;
Prayer of Church – Kruger family;
Hymns (Dalby) – 305; 292 AT; 846; 838; 291; 190 AT;
Mon 20 Sept – Coffee n Craft in hall deck
Mon 20 Sept – 500 Cards in church hall @ 7.00pm
Tues 14 Sept – St Mark’s/Macalister Elders meeting @ 7.30pm
Every Saturday - Prayer group @ 7.00am
Add your meeting or event with Gayle at the Church Office
OCC Christmas Shoeboxes:
Christmas Shoeboxes and brochures are now available from the narthex. OCC has a new State Manager Robert Henry and we have been notified that all the boxes will go through to Sydney again this year. The closing date for collection will be 17th October.
Nominations for 2022:
The Nominations Committee has begun preparation for the 2021 Budget and Election Meeting to be held later this year. Please take a survey form from the narthex and with prayerful consideration, please complete the form and return it by email during September. Indicate with a ‘Yes’ roles or positions you are willing to be involved with during 2022.
All roles and positions are for 12 months only except Elders which is for 2 years.
Indicate with a ‘No’ if you have been involved in this role or position but no longer wish to continue. Use the column available to add any questions or comments.
Please also complete the survey for the Monthly and Weekly Rosters.
Thank you for attending to this matter.
God bless your considerations.
Nominations Committee:
Chris Ruhle (Elders), Mark Noller (Administration), Chris Kowald (TEAM), Glenice Kruger (Congregational Rep), Keith Peltz (Congregational Rep), Pastor Joel Pukallus
LCA Story of the Week:
Hundreds of members of the LCANZ family – from small children to the elderly –shared their creative talents through the Living Water Churchwide Simultaneous Art Exhibition last month. There have been 15 exhibitions staged across Australia, held and contributed to by members of congregations, Lutheran schools and early learning centres, and aged-care communities.
Read the full story here>>
Happy Birthday this week to:
Colin Heintze (Mon); Susan Jacobs (Mon); Gayle Taylor (Mon);
Baptism Anniversaries:
Delma Weier; Laura Berlin; Margaret McMillan; Ken Mitchell; Joshua Noller;
If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact Gayle at St Mark's church office.
Prayers for the Week:
· For those in authority, such as Queen Elizabeth and her representatives; Prime Minister Scott Morrison and members of parliament; Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and state parliamentarians; and Mayor Paul McVeigh and local councillors; that they may not be driven be selfish ambition but service to the people
· For the Church, LCAQD; and those in positions of authority, that they may not be drawn by selfish ambition but that they hear the call of God to serve him and his people
· For the pastors Bishop John Henderson, District Bishop Mark Vainikka; Pastor Joel Pukallus and all pastors; the outreach of the church, that its members may not be motivated by money or numbers but by a yearning to see people saved
· For businesses, that they do not feed off the poor to feed the rich
· For the victims who suffer because of the selfishness of others (including people in third-world countries whose dictators restrict aid to their people, and those under repressive and unjust governments)
Church Rosters:
Church rosters are available on the website.
Check out if you are on the roster here>>
Weekly Roster for 26 September:
Morning Tea: Wayne & Shirley H; Val S;
Bible reader: Steinhardt family;
Prayer of Church: Steinhardt family;
Creative Cards: Johnson;
Kids Zone:
Monthly Roster for September:
Church Cleaning: Kessler;
Church Grounds: Jacobs, Paschke, von Pein D;
Stewards: Strand, James;
Welcoming: Horrigan;
PA: Brauer;
Power-point: Brauer;
Elder: Weier B, Murray P;
HC Servers: Noller J (5 & 12); Hensel N (19 & 26)
Macalister Roster for 26 September:
Church Cleaning: Graham & Delma W;
Bible reader: Sonya Mc;
Cup of Tea (Oct): Brian & Lynelle W;