Our people
St Mark's is a welcoming congregation with people of all ages taking active roles in worship, support, service and ministry. Here are some of the people who serve this congregation.
Rev Joel Pukallus
Pastor St Mark's Dalby & Redeemer Macalister
Pastor Joel Pukallus was ordained in 2002 and has served in various locations in South Australia and Queensland in rural/regional and school ministry. Pastor Joel and his family moved to Dalby in January 2020, and Pastor Joel was installed as Pastor of St. Marks Dalby and Redeemer Macalister on Australia Day. Pastor Joel also serves the Dalby area as an Auxiliary Firefighter in the Dalby Fire Brigade, and as chaplain for the Dalby area of Queensland Fire and Emergency Services.
Email: joel.pukallus@lca.org.au
Tel: 07 4669 7061
Gayle Taylor
Office Administration
Gayle has been St Mark's friendly face in our office looking after reception and supporting congregational service planning and administration since 2001. The office is open Tuesdays - Fridays from 9am - 1pm.
Email: office@stmarksdalby.com.au
Tel: 0476 029 220
Aimee Johnson
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Aimee is the new Youth Ministry Coordinator who started in February 2021 and has completed a Bachelor of Ministry in November 2020. The role is to support ministry leaders and coaches them to grow in spiritual maturity and skills. Also including, to lead and organize effective youth and young adults' programs and empower congregational members to live our vision to “reach out to, walk with, and serve” young people. Aimee is in the office on a Tuesday and Friday 9 am - 1 pm and Fortnightly on Friday nights for youth program 6:30 pm to 9 pm.
Email: aimee.johnson@lca.org.au
Tel: 0409 906 567
Mark Noller
Chairman of Congregation
Val Steinhardt
Head of Pastoral Assistants
St Mark's Elders support and encourage the Pastor and his family through prayer and support, visit members and provide assistance to Pastor with the spiritual, emotional and physical care of members. If you'd like an elder to contact you, please arrange through Church office.