Welcome to St Mark's
St Mark's is a family-friendly inter-generational Lutheran congregation located in the regional town of Dalby. We're part of a bigger church family, the Lutheran Church of Australia. Together we want to be a place where love comes to life. We believe that God's love is for everyone everywhere and we want you to see how his love comes to life in us - and in you.
We have a number of fellowship, youth, family and small group activities within our church family and invite you to please contact us if you are new to town, visiting, or just curious about our faith to find out more about how to get involved.
Our worship and activities are all underpinned by our Guiding Principles.
Lutherans have been worshipping in Dalby since the mid 1930s. The congregation of St Mark's was formed on 2nd April 1967 following the uniting of two former Dalby congregations of St Paul’s (1934-67) and St Peter’s (1943-67). Our church building, located on the corner of Condamine and Archibald Streets, was dedicated on the 9th December 1973.
The Congregational roles and responsibilities are articulated in our Constitution.